If you like to make RDP connections to Windows machines from your Linux box, it is often convenient if you can set a few things right from the start. As such, I wrote a little shell script around rdesktop, in order to make life somewhat easier for me.
This script does the following:

  • invoke rdesktop
  • set the keyboard layout to Belgian AZERTY
  • set the screen resolution to something that fits the screen of my laptop
  • map a local directory so it is available on the remote Windows box


And here is the script:

# simple wrapper for rdesktop
# set keyb layout on server to azerty BE
# set window size to 1370x840

 if [ $# != "0" ] ;

   rdesktop -k nl-be  -r 'disk:homedrv=/home/david/' -g 1370x840  $1

   echo "$0: No arguments were supplied. Please supply a valid target 
             hostname or IP address."
   exit 1

 exit 0


The script must be invoked with one arument, the hostname or IP adress of the machine you want to connect to. I guess the script is simple enough to understand what it does. Adapt it to your particular needs, and I hope you like it.