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Tag: site news

Change in site url

The url of this site is now freeunix.davidleemans.be. The old name freeunix.publicvm.com was posing too much problems.

Mostly because the entire publicvm.com domain, owned by DNSEexit.com is often being blacklisted and/or blocked by most ISP’s. This basically rendered the site useless most of the time. I guess that ‘s what you get with these free domain names, so I finally cashed out some money to buy a proper domain name 🙂 .

So please, adjust your bookmarks. If you don’t, you will still be redirected automatically to the new site url, at least for as long as publicvm.com resolves properly.

This post als marks the end for any new Slackware packages, since I no longer use Slackware as a desktop OS. If you must know, I switched to Debian.

Enjoy 🙂

Server upgrade

I managed to get my greedy hands on more powerfull computing gear, providing the means to upgrade this webserver. After nearly 4 years, the old hardware was still fine, but with the newer parts in place, the machine performs even better, and is somewhat more future proof.


Part Old server New server
CPU Intel Core2 Duo E6320 Intel Core2 Duo E7500
CPU speed 1.86 Ghz 2.93 Ghz
Memory 2.0 GB DDR2 4.0 GB DDR2
Chipset Intel DQ965 Intel Q45

In order to prevent a possible disk crash, the old 250 GB harddisk (already 4 years old) was cloned to a new one. The old disk was still OK, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

New hostname


Thanks to the ongoing efforts of Dyn.com (formerly known as dyndns.org) to chase away their free customers, this site will get a new hostname. I signed up with the folks at dnsExit.com, who still provide a truly free dynamic DNS update service, without the need to log in monthly, or other crappy measures like dyn.com started to impose on their free customers.
So, from now on, this site can be reached at http://freeunix.publicvm.com:8000.
Don’t worry, the old name will remain available for a few months.